What impact does the trade war have on China’s robotics industry?

The United States announced the list of Chinese goods that imposed tariffs on 11 May. The tariff rate was adjusted from 10% to 25%. On 13 May, CCTV news criticized the US trade war in a fair and honest way. The Chinese government announced that it would raise tariff rates on US imports of US $60 billion from 1 June, imposing 25% higher tariff rates on US imports, respectively. Tariffs of 20% and 10%.
In the U.S. trade warfare list, it covers aerospace, information technology, communications technology and robotics industries, including about 1300 independent tariff items, fasteners, springs, bearings and other general mechanical components are also included.
The list of trade published by the United States clearly states the following points:
Starting in June, the trade surplus will be reduced by 100 billion US dollars in 12 months, and then by another 100 billion US dollars in the following 12 months.
2. Stop all subsidies to advanced manufacturing industries in the Made in China 2025 Plan. The program covers 10 areas, including aircraft manufacturing, electric vehicles, robots, computer microchips and artificial intelligence.
3. Acceptance of the United States may limit imports involving Made-in-China 2025 industries.
4. Take "direct and verifiable measures" to prevent cyber espionage from entering the U.S. business network.
5. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights.
6. Accept US investment and restrictions on China's sensitive technologies without retaliation.
7. Reduce the current average tariff of 10% to the same level as the United States, where the average tariff for all "non-critical sectors" is 3.5%.
8. Opening up China's services and agriculture in an all-round way to enable the United States to enter full competition
With the gradual increase of land and labor costs in the mainland, the competitiveness of mainland enterprises can no longer rely on low-cost labor and land costs, which is why the mainland automation industry has risen actively. There are many manufacturers in the mainland. In just five or six years, factory buildings have been transformed from full manpower to automated robots, which is the way to solve the rising labor costs. According to the statistics of 2018, the use of robots in the mainland now accounts for 30% of the world's use, and the mainland is already an industrial machine. Robot application * big country.
Data give China a lot of determination.
In terms of patents for scientific and technological innovation, according to the statistics of "Overview of the Development of Global Artificial Intelligence Patent Resources" in 2018, the number of patents for artificial intelligence in mainland China is 34,000, second only to the United States and second in the world. Take special robots and service robots for example, because they are still in the early stage of marketization, unlike industrial robots, which have obviously emerged as leading enterprises, there is no industrial leader in the world at present. Special robots in the mainland have gradually appeared the trend of industrialization. These special robots can be used in earthquake and extreme climate. Fire and other public safety incidents play a great role.
Data released by People's Daily on May 13 show that in the first quarter of this year, the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in Zhongguancun, Beijing, opened its doors successfully: the total income of high-tech enterprises above the scale reached 1.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.9% over the same period last year. Technological income has increased rapidly, with a technical income of 217.16 billion yuan, an increase of 23.7% over the same period of last year; key high-tech fields such as electronics and information, advanced manufacturing, new materials and applied technology have a better growth trend, increasing by 17.4%, 11.4% and 11.3% respectively over the same period of last year; enterprises have actively invested in Science and technology, with a total cost of research and development amounting to 50.84 billion yuan. Yuan, up 20.9% year-on-year.
This is a microcosm of the new momentum of science and technology to promote economic stability. Statistics from the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology show that 168 enterprises in China's national high-tech zones realized business income of 4.9 trillion yuan in January-February this year, an increase of 9.3% over the same period last year; in fact, the tax payment of 290.96 billion yuan, an increase of 12.4% over the same period last year; the profit rate of business income of 6.1%; 46,000 newly registered enterprises in the park, an increase of 11.6% over the same period last year, and innovative entrepreneurship holders Continue to be active. By the end of February, the investment in fixed assets in national high-tech zones had reached 44.19 billion yuan, an increase of 7.4% over the previous year, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than the national growth rate.
The science and technology innovation board, which was officially launched this year, has opened a new financing door for those enterprises with core technology and huge potential. As of May 8, 103 companies have been accepted by Kechuangban, and the total amount of funds to be raised has exceeded 100 billion yuan. This will better play the role of capital market in supporting innovative economy and provide power for enterprise innovation.
In the area of intellectual property, the quality of intellectual property creation has risen simultaneously. From January to March this year, 341,000 patent applications for invention and 116,000 patent authorizations for invention were filed in China; 503,000 patent applications for utility models and 375,000 patent applications for utility models; 157,000 patent applications for design and 119,000 patent applications for design. Among them, the authorization and ownership of invention and utility model patents have increased to varying degrees compared with the same period last year, which shows that the innovation willingness of innovators continues to rise, and innovation ability continues to improve, especially in the emerging robotic industry and manufacturing industry, innovation develops rapidly.
According to the Research Report of China Robotics Market Forecast, the mainland robot market has shown a high growth trend in recent years. It is estimated that the compound annual growth rate will reach 26.9% in 2017-2022, while the robot market in 2022 is expected to reach 80.52 billion US dollars, accounting for 38.3% of the global market. (This forecast includes the total expenditure of terminals for robotic ontology, related software and hardware, and consulting and system integration services).
Compared with the development of robots in Europe, the United States and Japan, the development of automated robots in the mainland started relatively late.