Why should industrial robots be divided into ontology manufacturers and system integrators

In the industrial robot industry chain, why are ontology manufacturers and system integrators subdivided? What are the differences between the two? Today we will talk about this issue.

1. Different industrial chains

Robot body manufacturers mainly produce robot bodies and are responsible for the production of key robot parts, control algorithms, and development environment design.

However, the robot cannot be directly put into use. It also needs to be used with various sensors such as vision and force, as well as various related equipment such as assembly lines and machine tools. This is the work that integrators need to complete.

2. Different technical barriers

There are technical barriers everywhere in the manufacturing of robot bodies. Core components such as reducers, servo motors, and controllers require deep technical accumulation; this makes it difficult for system integration companies to enter the field of robot body manufacturing.

3. Different industrial chain benefits

Ontology manufacturing requires deep technical accumulation, mastering the core voice, possessing product pricing power, and grasping more profit margins.

System integration is not cost-effective. Many technologies have already been completed by ontology manufacturers, with low added value and limited profit margins. Therefore, ontology manufacturers are willing to give up this part of the profits and execute them by companies that focus on system integration.

The most important thing is that the system integration is too personal and the robot body manufacturer is unwilling to consume too much energy. For different scenarios, the functions of the robot must be reset and developed, especially in the 3C field. For each product produced, the robot needs to be set accordingly, which is extremely troublesome. Therefore, we see that industrial robots are operating in a more standardized manner. The most applications in the automotive field.

In addition, robots are only part of the system integration, and other elements such as automation equipment and software will also be involved, making robot body manufacturers reluctant to get involved in the integration industry.

Based on the above three reasons, the robot body manufacturer and the system integration have formed an industrial chain division of labor, mutual cooperation, mutual achievement, and mutual promotion.