Market status and competition pattern of domestic co-robot

A co-robot is a robot designed to work closely with humans in a common workspace. A collaborative robot is a small industrial robot that works with human workers.
1. In 2019, the scale of China's co-robot market is about 1.3 billion yuan.

According to the data, in 2018, the scale of China's co-robot market was 930 million yuan, an increase of 47.62% over the same period last year, and the average annual compound growth rate of the co-robot market was 64.83%. According to statistics, the size of China's co-robot market in 2019 was about 1.3 billion yuan, an increase of 42.9 percent over the same period last year.

2. The average price of co-robots is reduced to less than 100,000 yuan per unit.

The average price of domestic co-robot is decreasing year by year. According to the released data, the average price of traditional industrial robot ontology in 2014 was about 170,000 yuan/set, and the average price of co-robot ontology was about 200,000 yuan/set. According to recent statistics, the average price of industrial robots will be reduced to 110,000 yuan per set in 2019, and the average price of co-robot will be reduced to 100,000 yuan per set.

3. The gross profit rate of co-robot listed company exceeds 20%

Currently, there are not many listed companies producing co-robot in China. In the first half of 2019, the operating income of xinsong robot was 456 million yuan with a gross profit margin of 27.9%, while that of dazu robot was 343 million yuan with a gross profit margin of 24%.

4. Continuous growth of domestic market share

From the perspective of domestic co-robot market, in 2019, co-robot enterprises represented by aubo, tekka, dagu, luoxi, daming, xinsong, Techrobots, hanwha, etc. By constantly strengthening technological innovation and product innovation, it has gradually broken the monopoly position of foreign brands in the market, and the market share of co-robot in China continues to grow. In terms of sales, the top eight in 2019 have market shares of 26%, 20%, 12%, 5%, 3%, 3%, 1% and 1% respectively