2019 China Automation Conference: discussing the present and future of automation

On November 22, 2019, "2019 China Automation Conference" was held in Hangzhou International Expo Center. Focusing on the theme of "intelligent automation bears the future", the conference specially invited 8 academicians and generals to make a report on high-end technologies in automation related fields such as high-end control equipment and systems, brain science and artificial intelligence, Internet of vehicles, space development of earth and moon.

The conference has 8 special forums, including intelligent automation technology, artificial intelligence and data science, information security of industrial control system, intelligent system and robot. In addition, the conference has received more than 2200 papers, 33 academicians from automation, advanced manufacturing, information technology, artificial intelligence and other related fields at home and abroad, more than 100 Yangtze River scholars, national outstanding young scholars, nearly 100 presidents of well-known colleges and universities, and a total of more than 3000 scientific and technological workers in related fields, focusing on intelligent perception, automatic control, intelligent transportation, and industry More than 20 technology cutting-edge hot spots, such as industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, smart city, big data, etc., have been exchanged and discussed to discuss and exchange the cutting-edge technology of intelligent automation and industrial development ecology, so as to share the future of automation.
Zheng Nanning, President of China Automation Society and academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, Wu Chaohui, President of Zhejiang University and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gao Xingfu, vice governor of Zhejiang Provincial People's government, Zhou Jiangyong, member of Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Secretary of Hangzhou Municipal Committee, attended the meeting and delivered the opening speech.

In his welcome speech to the conference, academician Zheng Nanning said that after 10 years, the automation conference returned to Hangzhou again. The conference has become an academic event in the field of Engineering Science and technology in China. It is also a conference for academic exchange, technical discussion and cutting-edge thinking in the field of automation. Automation is a wide range of technology with far-reaching influence. I believe that automation will grow deeply in the future, breed more disciplines and cultivate more talents.

In his speech, Academician Wu Chaohui said that with the deepening of the fourth industrial revolution and the second machine revolution, new technologies and theories such as artificial intelligence, mobile Internet, big data, supercomputing and brain science have emerged, further accelerating the era of intelligence enhancement, forming a new feature of in-depth learning, cross-border integration, group intelligence opening and independent control It promotes the rapid development of various fields of economy and society from digitization, networking to intelligence. Intelligent automation is in the best era of innovation and development. It will become the engine of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, industrial revolution and education revolution. It will continue to highlight the geese effect and usher in a new era of human-computer cooperation and interaction.

He said that automation is the crystallization of modern science and modern industry and an important engine leading the progress of modern society. In recent years, Zhejiang Province has actively promoted the development of automation to digitalization, networking and intellectualization, with intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of attack, taking the lead in large-scale promotion of machine replacement, vigorously promoting enterprises to go to the cloud, building a "1 + n" industrial Internet platform system in a large span, and striving to realize the transformation of new and old kinetic energy. This conference gathered top experts in the professional field, which has built a good communication platform for promoting innovation and development in related industries in our province. It is hoped that all parties will further strengthen cooperation and help the high-quality development of manufacturing industry in our province.

In his speech, Secretary Zhou Jiangyong said that Hangzhou is a city of innovation and vitality and is striving to build the first city of digital economy in China. In recent years, Hangzhou adheres to the new development concept, forming a double engine of digital economy and high-quality development of manufacturing industry, which provides an important support for the development of Automation Science and technology application. At present, Hangzhou insists on promoting automation by digitization and leading automation by intellectualization. With the empowerment of artificial intelligence, the development of automation has entered the stage of intelligence, and the future automation will present a new pattern of digital integration and interconnection of all things. Next, Hangzhou will seize the opportunity of Hangzhou national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone, vigorously promote basic theory research, key technology research, platform elements gathering, and strive to build an innovation resource place, application first place and talent gathering place of intelligent automation.

During the opening ceremony, academician pan Yunhe, Academician Wu Zhaohui, academician sun Youxian, academician Zheng Nanning, Lieutenant General Zhang Yulin and Secretary Zhou Jiangyong jointly launched the construction of Hangzhou national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone, in order to fully implement the major decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the state Council on the development of new generation artificial intelligence and seize the major strategic opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence.

Academician Guo Lei made a report on the conference entitled several basic scientific issues in system science. Academician Guo Lei introduced the theoretical research and preliminary exploration carried out by the research team in recent years on the issues of system emergence, feedback ability and game control. He mentioned in the report that system control in the information age is facing a series of challenging scientific problems, but the degree of solving complex problems often depends on the degree of research on basic concepts and basic problems of disciplines. Facing the future, how to combine system control with ethics and law organically to achieve the technical indicators and value objectives of human-computer highly integrated complex social system is also an important basic issue.

Sun Youxian, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, made a report entitled "development history of high-end control equipment and system". Through his team and national experts and scholars in this field, he has achieved five major systematic innovations after more than 30 years of theoretical innovation and technological breakthrough: (1) high performance, high reliability control device and multivariable optimization control system; (2) fully integrated large-scale control device and The whole process dynamic optimization system; (3) the new generation of high-performance fieldbus and international standards for control optimization; (4) high security / high-end control equipment and high-precision operation control system; (5) wide area collaborative programmable control device and multi-objective intelligent optimization system. This paper comprehensively reviews the development process of high-end control equipment and systems in China from scratch, from having to big, from big to strong, from following to leading, from no core to core, showing a series of major innovation achievements and huge economic benefits.

Academician Gao Wen made a conference report entitled "digital retina - the evolution scheme of urban brain cloud vision system based on the evolution mechanism of human vision system". Edge computing is a hot topic in recent years. The wave of intelligent city seems to make more and more video devices in cloud vision system upgrade from traditional cameras to edge video devices. However, there are still different arguments about how smart devices should be and how smart the cloud should be. In this report, academician Gao Wen explored a new way to improve the cloud vision system through the visual pathway model of human like vision system (called digital retina), so as to make it more efficient and intelligent.

Bao Weimin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote a report entitled "control problems and challenges in space development". This paper discusses the core issues such as the new requirements for space control of major projects in the field of access / utilization / development / exploration, the new challenges that control theory and methods will face, and the key technologies that need to be researched. He said that the emergence and development of control discipline and people's creation and practice promote each other. Control theory and technology are the important support for the rapid development of aerospace industry, and the practice of aerospace engineering is also an important traction for the continuous development of control discipline. World aerospace has entered a new era of large-scale access to space and Earth Moon space economy. Concept innovation is the road of development, and intelligent control is the core and hand.

Ten years ago, China Automation Conference started from Hangzhou. After ten years of development, today's China Automation Conference has grown vigorously and flourished, becoming the most influential academic event in the field of automation. As the crystallization of modern science and industry, automation technology has become an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and the modernization of science and technology. At present, automation is promoting a profound era change, providing strong support for China's construction of a powerful country in science and technology, aerospace, network and transportation. The theme of this conference is "intelligent automation bears the future", which is closely related to the national major needs and the development pulse of the times. It hopes to provide a high-end academic dialogue platform for experts and scholars in the field of automation to display innovation achievements and look forward to the future development, gather wisdom and strength of all parties, and make positive efforts to improve the level of scientific and technological innovation in the field of automation and achieve the major strategic goals of the country Contribution.