Development Status and Analysis of Robot Industry in Shenzhen in 2019

In recent years, the robot industry in Shenzhen has been growing rapidly and maturing. The scale benefit of each industrial cluster region and some individual enterprises has gradually emerged. Robot industry has rapidly developed into a strategic emerging industry in Shenzhen. Shenzhen has become the most complete city in the whole country.

The output value of nearly 120 billion enterprises reached 649

On April 11, 2019, Shenzhen Robot Association released the White Paper on the Development of Robot Industry in Shenzhen, 2018. According to the report, in 2018, the total output value of Shenzhen's robotics industry increased to 117.8 billion yuan, close to 120 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 13.8%. In recent years, the total output value of Shenzhen robotics industry has maintained a growth rate of more than 10%. The number of Shenzhen robotic enterprises increased from 594 in 2017 to 649 in 2018. Shenzhen is located in the Pearl River Delta, where manufacturing enterprises are concentrated. The convergence of labor-intensive industries such as electronic manufacturing, food packaging, ceramics production makes Shenzhen one of the areas with the most concentrated labor input in China, and provides a broad application market for "machine replacement".

Figure 2: Number and growth rate of Shenzhen Robot Enterprises (Unit: Home,%) from 2014 to 2018

Bao'an District contributes the most to the output value of Nanshan District, where robotic enterprises gather.

In recent years, the robot industry in Baoan District has developed rapidly, ranking first in Shenzhen. In 2018, the largest number of robotic enterprises was Baoan District, accounting for 39% of the total number of robotic enterprises in Shenzhen. Robot is one of the key industries in Baoan. Many traditional manufacturing enterprises hope to accomplish transformation and upgrading by developing and equipping robots and related products. At present, Baoan Robot Enterprise products cover industrial robots, industrial robotic arms and so on. Among them, 20 enterprises with annual output value of more than 10 million robots (including automation equipment) and 7 enterprises of Zhongyuan Science and Technology and Rinto have annual output value of more than 100 million yuan. On February 1, 2019, Bao'an Robot Industry Technological Innovation Alliance was established, which has a positive significance to promote the development of Bao'an Robot Industry.

From the point of view of gross output value, Nanshan District ranked first in succession, with the largest contribution of output value, accounting for 40%. As an advanced manufacturing R&D base, Nanshan District has a solid foundation for the development of robots and intelligent equipment industry and technology R&D capabilities. Shenzhen's first robotic industry park has also settled in this area. In addition, Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Eco-Park is the gathering place of artificial intelligence and robotic enterprises, many science and technology enterprises are stationed in this park.

Industrial robots still account for the main market share and service robots are developing rapidly

Robots defined in the White Paper on the Development of Robot Industry in Shenzhen, 2018, are products, equipment, instruments and systems with functions of perception, decision-making and execution based on advanced technologies such as modern sensing technology, network technology, automation mechanism and artificial intelligence. It mainly includes two subdivisions: industrial robots (including integrated systems) and service robots (including special, entertainment, education, etc.). At present, industrial robots are still the mainstream in Shenzhen's robotics industry, with an output value of 83.8 billion yuan in 2018, accounting for 71% of the market share, but down by 2 percentage points from 2017.

Shenzhen Service Robot has a better development advantage than Industrial Robot. It has formed a sound industrial chain, gradually formed its own brand in the sub-area of system integration, and established a large number of high-level innovative carriers. Service robots have not become the necessities of daily life, but with the breakthrough and popularization of artificial intelligence technology, service robots are increasingly entering thousands of households, and the market scale continues to grow. In 2018, the output value of service robots industry in Shenzhen was about 34 billion yuan, which was 21.79% higher than that in 2017. The output value of service robots industry in Shenzhen increased faster than that of industrial robots.

Figure 6: Contrast the output growth rate of industrial robots and service robots in Shenzhen from 2015 to 2018 (unit:%)

Three Advantages will Promote the Sustainable and Rapid Development of Robots in Shenzhen

1. Geographical advantages

As a big manufacturing country, China is experiencing a period of demographic dividend recession. Faced with the reduction of labor force, machine replacement has become a generally recognized trend in the industry. Shenzhen is located in the key position of the Pearl River Delta, with concentrated labor-intensive industries and relatively large demand for machine replacement. Moreover, Shenzhen is also the hub of Unicom's manufacturing market and overseas international market, which has both advantages of application and sales.

2. Policy Advantages

As a special economic zone, Shenzhen has a unique innovation mechanism and an earlier opportunity for robotic applications. Shenzhen's policy advantages have always played a role. At present, the policy promulgation represented by "Outline of Development Planning for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Big Bay Area" and the proposal of "Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao" science and technology innovation corridor construction put Shenzhen in an important position for the development of robotics industry.

3. Technical Advantages

Shenzhen's robotic enterprises have the advantages of large quantity and high quality. At present, Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation mainly concentrates on the new generation of information technology, new energy technology, intelligent manufacturing technology, new material technology, life science and biotechnology, aerospace technology, bio-environmental protection technology and marine science and technology. In this field, a number of domestic enterprises have been supported on this basis. Driven by leading enterprises, the development of robotic enterprises in Shenzhen is particularly strong.